We can't say enough how important it is for us to connect and appreciate our supporters. There are still a lot of people living in darkness and we can unite to reach them, each using the gifts and blessings we've been given. What a great privilege to be used by God as an instrument of proclaiming God’s love through His Son Jesus Christ to the lost and dying soul on the mission field and in our own backyard. Our prayers are that God will continue to bless each of you, and that many people, nations and tribes will be blessed through your faith, love, prayer and generous support.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Merry Christmas!
We can't say enough how important it is for us to connect and appreciate our supporters. There are still a lot of people living in darkness and we can unite to reach them, each using the gifts and blessings we've been given. What a great privilege to be used by God as an instrument of proclaiming God’s love through His Son Jesus Christ to the lost and dying soul on the mission field and in our own backyard. Our prayers are that God will continue to bless each of you, and that many people, nations and tribes will be blessed through your faith, love, prayer and generous support.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
New language
Thursday, November 22, 2012
The broken...the homeless
"Being homeless in Mongolia"
Back to schoooooool
Reading ~
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Put this up on facebook earlier and thought Id share
Highlights from my day so far
Me: "I feel like a stuffed potato"
island husband: "gooooood"
Went to school only to find door locked, called teacher and apparently it's Chinggis Khan's birthday so NO SCHOOL!
On way home from school
husband: "im going to watch a movie when i get home"
me: "oh I thought of maybe exercising"
husband : *pause* "we are not on the same page"
Fun day!
Birthday of Genghis Khan
The words "Genghis Khan," mean "universal ruler". All this rich history makes me think of the lineage of Christ. Ask any Mongolian to tell you some stories about this warrior (also known as Chingis Khan or Jingis) and they will be able to tell you folklore stories, historical facts, maybe something about a family member or the town where he was born. I asked myself what would I say about my 'Lord', and ruler- Jesus Christ. Would I be able to tell you stories of His victories, great speeches and legacy? More importantly would I be bold enough to share what He is doing in my life today? Good challenges and thoughts on a day where Ive been blessed learning more about the culture I live in, and also thankful for the 'leader' that I will always follow ~
*Me in front of Genghis Khan's monument in Sükhbaatar Square, UlaanBaatar Mongolia
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Highs and Lows
I found this table interesting, found at World Weather website (for Mongolia).... ah something to look forward to...
Climatological Information | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Let it snow , let it snow....
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Faith Hope and Love
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love (2 Corinthians 13:13)
Taken from Stuart Briscoe's book "Living Love God's Way"
Something that becomes evident without much meditation is that these three qualities- faith, hope and love- go together. You can't pick and choose among them. The Bible draws a picture of these three graces as inextricably related and bound up in each other.
Faith is at the root of human experience. When you have faith in a valid object of faith, it produces hope. Hope becomes a branch that grows out of the root of faith. When you become a person of faith and hope, you develop a faith and hope in other people and in God, and that leads you to love God and love people. Love is the ultimate fruit.
Of these three superb Christian graces-absolutly interrelated, absolutely indispensable- love is still the greatest. We don't need to diminish faith or diminish hope in order to glorify love. Instead, we need to upgrade both faith and hope; and that allows love to flourish. Without hope, we become pessimistic and lethargic. Why do anything, since everything is such a mess anyway? That certainly isn't conducive to love. And faith is the ability to see what God sees- the divine potential He's planted in people. Faith keeps us from giving up on one another. Faith sees ahead, and love energizes growth toward that vision. Without faith, we could be sentimental and wish that things might work out, cry over another person's struggles, without the confidence that the struggles won't have the last word.
And what do we have if love is missing? Love is our ability to act in such a way that we build up others and ourselves. Love is action that springs from the very goodness and holiness of God. Love is what makes is all happen. That's why its the greatest of the three. Love is actually God's very character translated into something tangible for us to know.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Chocolate Cravings
And it reminds me of the verses in Romans 7 where Paul talks about doing what he does NOT want to do, and not having the will to do what he knows he should do. Its true...I do NOT want the chocolate cake, yet it's now what I crave. Keep in mind that Manasa and I do not typically buy sweets for two reasons: one health wise but the major reason is the tight budget we are on. We may only have thirty dollars for food to last us two weeks so our priority goes to vegetables, meat, milk and bread. However we were given a nice care package when I was sick including yogurt and fruits (now gone) but the chocolate cakes stayed in the back for a while. I am feeling better this week and just thought I'd try ONE....little did I know that now every time the stomach growls, its that ONE that I crave (not the yogurt, not the fruits, not the leftover vegetable salad).
That too reminds me of the power of sin...compromising once with the false notion that we have the will power in ourselves to not choose that option again. I'm hit with gratitude that Jesus left us with the power of the Holy Spirit yet saying "thank you" doesn't seem to be enough. Because as Paul says, by my sinful self I am not able to overcome my flesh, but only by power graciously shared with me by my God in heaven, who knows me better than I know myself. I know the chocolate cake will soon be gone...especially as I encourage my husband to finish them. Most likely my refrigerator or pantry will continue to be empty of sugary processed foods but the point is that EVEN IF they were full, the Holy Spirit can grant me the power to resist the temptation...because my own knowledge of it's negative effects is not enough :)
PS I'm in NO way passing judgement on people's eating habits; food is meant to be enjoyed...including chocolate in moderation ~
Sunday, October 28, 2012
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Welcome Lyvia and Sofie
Today marks an important event - the birth of my twin nieces, Lyvia and Sofie. How blessed our family is! The birth went well and big sister is being cared for by grandma as everyone prepares for the blessings to arrive home. It reminds me of the verse in Genesis:
My sister didn't expect twins to run in our family, but God knew how much 'multiplying' He wanted to be done. In my opinion, there is no greater call in life than parenthood- increasing the Kingdom of God through discipling your own children. I won't get to meet the twins right away but am blessed to still be a part of the process, knowing my family is thinking of me and of course my prayers and praises being raised up across the ocean. Looking forward to seeing if skype will work as the wonders of Internet being available in the hospitals in the USA is to my benefit! Praising God for health and His marvelous design of creation ~ |
Who are 'the least of these' ?
Two nights ago we heard a man snoring outside our apartment door. Typically we have an outside door that remains locked but this night it must have been left open and this older homeless man made his way inside to get out of the wind. Our hearts broke and as my husband wandered around the house brainstorming what we could give this man, I was thinking of our 'extras'....Maybe we didn't have a blanket to spare but we had an extra thick curtain that can offer warmth. I grabbed a small pillow from the couch but Manasa pulled out a bag with two extra full length pillows. He went out and offered the pillow and 'blanket' to the man who was grateful (and he returned them in the morning). As we went to bed we were still brainstorming how much more we could do.
And I was convicted.... convicted because my heart still struggles with full abandon to 'giving'. I automatically think of my needs first, my survival....THEN sharing what I have with others. My heart is still full of compassion but my flesh still sneaks in. I lay there asking myself "Why didn't I take the blanket off my bed? My apartment is plenty warm without it. Why didn't I offer one of my two pillows that I sleep with?" And I turned to confess to my husband and to God and still battle that dilemma-- how do I take the next plunge. Yes I am 'giving'....but how much sacrificing will I do.
The next day we discussed some ideas for the return of this old man, wanting to build relationship with him. We threw out ideas of offering a hot shower, doing his laundry with some extra clothes on hand, perhaps making him a warm breakfast. We realize opening our home to one man may lead to many other curious bypassers stopping by....but I cannot limit my love based on who might take advantage of me, or how it might overwhelm me. That's in God's hands. The old man has not yet returned the past few nights. His pillow and 'blanket' remain in the closet by the front door just in case.... and my heart is now more prepared....to give abundantly, not out of my 'extras' but instead out of my 'best'... Another lesson in the process of being learned :)
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Home sweet home , move number TWO
MOVING day number ONE
Gallbladder too?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
New friends
KIDNEY stones?
Not unusual
Place to lay our head
We had a beautiful and quick trip back to the city of \Darhan from Erdenet only to find no room available at the YWAM base. A quick call gave us room with our Brazilian friend Ivania, even though she only has a studio apartment. Her hospitality has saved us as it´s taken us this full week to find an apartment. The new trend is for owners to want the entire years rent pay and living by faith, on a month to month basis, means we cannot reach that need. God opened doors for us and last minute (ivania moves tomorrow) we found a one bedroom apartment for reasonible rent, and will do 3 month rents. Its a bit further from our Mongolian school than we would have liked but we look forward to nice walks until it gets too cold. God provides in His timing and we move tomorrow! As my husband recently put on his facebook page :
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Mickey Mouse and kissing the puppy
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Titus Graduation
Last night we graduated our Titus Project students. Ten of these students (YWAMers) will continue on with their outreach phase (teaching) while the rest will return to their ministries (pastors, sunday school teachers etc). We are SO proud of the steps each one has taken and love seeing them inspired to teach others what they've learned!
We were given thank you cards and a gift, which was most practical for Manasa and I - a pair each of "slippers" as well as coffee...they know us well! As staff we debriefed and brainstorms ways to improve the next TITUS and look forward to seeing it run again here in Mongolia.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
English TV
Browsing through the TV there are only two English stations - one is "Outdoor Channel" and the other is "RT" (business news). Thankful for one Chinese channel that sometimes has English movies with subtitles rather than dubbed voice overs. I noticed a Russian channel is Russia MTV.... Thankful for the Internet which of course offers more options and news updates in English!
Keeping our youth pure...one step at a time
Reading through some of the recent news item and came across this article. Appears that one of the founders of the campaign not only is a Christian but belongs to the family that owns the magazine (ironically)....interesting to see where this goes! This compaign is aimed at keeping our youth pure... in this case by keeping pornographic descriptions off the shelves and away from wandering eyes. Warning: does contain graphic description (which is the point of this petition! To keep the buyers 18+) Feel free to click the link and sign!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Im so American!~
Mongolian Countryside
toilet paper necessities
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Greetings From Mongolia
Since our last newsletter, we arrived to Mongolia safely on August 8th from Fiji. We had to stay an extra few days in the capital city of Ulaan Baatar as we worked on our visa to stay in Mongolia. We are currently studying under the 'student visa' and will be taking Mongolian language classes starting next month. We were surprised at some extra expenses this visa incurred, including monthly class fees but are confident God will provide to keep us here in this beautiful country. We spent one week at the Darhan YWAM base, and were busy looking for apartment, running errands, setting up classes etc. We were happy to take a break from the business to take a base outing to the town of Selenge to see the border of Russia and enjoy nature (despite the poor weather). Alissa has been adjusting to the new culture, trying new foods and repeating Mongolian words. We made our way over to Eredenet to staff the YWAM 'Titus' school (www.titusproject.com). We were so encouraged to start with just a few participants but have 19 show up on the first day, with three more following the second day. A mix of pastors, church teachers and YWAM staff make up our participants and they are passionate about laying a firm foundation of Biblical teachings in their ministries. The church in Mongolia is only 20 years old so the importance of accurate teaching is essential during this time. The participants are spending three weeks in class with a focus of being equipped to effectively teach the Bible, followed by an outreach period later this year. We are thankful for the support team including us, Jeanine from Dominican Republic, Bogi from Mongolia and Pascal from Switzerland. Manasa spoke last week on “Inductive teaching” and was well received. There will be more teaching the next two weeks.Here is an overview of the purpose of this school: “Titus Project was born out of a vision to bring Bible training to areas of the world where there is great need, great hunger, and limited opportunity to receive Bible training otherwise. We aim to provide training for pastors, church leaders, and church planters passing along tools for Inductive Bible Study so that they can more effectively study God's Truth for themselves and then in turn pass that along to their congregations.”
Prayer Points: One of our great prayer needs right now is for continued protection. This week we've faced a few spiritual attacks in the physical form. While Alissa was walking home from grocery shopping she was confronted by a lady who grabbed her bags and stole the snacks that were for the YWAM students. That night we also had pounding on the door (probably teenagers). Last night (Saturday) the pounding at the door reoccurred and Manasa called a few church friends to come and confront the young men. Each of those instances provided us an opportunity to thank God for the chance to be in this country and increase our heart for the natives here. We don't believe it a coincidence that each of these occurred on the evening before Manasa was to teach or preach.
A second prayer need is that we are still searching for an apartment in Darkhan. The one that was to be provided for us required the entire year's rent payment and as we live on a monthly budget we were unable to meet that request. We are still currently looking for a safe apartment within our budget for our return in two weeks.
A third prayer request is for our computers. Manasa's computer has been acting up recently and we are faced with the usefulness of our computers in our ministry. We keep all our training and correspondence as well as research on our computers, using it daily. We pray that God will provide what is needed for us to continue to be effective in our ministries.
We are asking for continued prayer for our finances as we are trusting God and being wise stewards of our blessings. Please let us know if you would like to be a monthly donor, or if you would like to receive more information about direct deposit into our bank account or through “Paypal”.
We appreciate all who have kept in touch with us and most importantly those who cover us daily in prayer.
Manasa & Alissa Qaranivalu
Monday, September 3, 2012
I can read..... or not
Vows to protect
"I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust." vs 2. I was walking home from the shops when a homeless lady followed me home and stole the cookies intended for the YWAM base. On one hand, I understand that a few dollars of cookies lost is nothing. But the bigger picture was a frustration with not feeling safe. Even though I am in another country, Mongolia, I want this to be MY neighborhood. Not knowing the language after only being here a couple of weeks prevented me from asking anyone for help. Of course Manasa was beside himself when he found out. Later that night we had some neighbors kicking on our door and running away. Finally Manasa chased them and they did not come back (they may have been surprised when he yelled at them in Mongolian asking what they wanted). We assume this same group of young men, a week later, came again to pound on the door only this time I was home alone while Manasa was meeting with pastor. I called him and he was already on his way home so once he spotted the young men in front of our apartment he stayed back and called the pastor and a close friend. Once they arrived a small scuffle ensued and the three men confronted the boys, called one of their mothers etc. Manasa let the Mongolian men do the talking and hopefully the incident is resolved after apologies were done on both sides. I was proud that my husband could get up the next morning, and preach his sermon without distractions. I don't know that I could say I would have done the same. We spent time asking God to give us an even bigger heart for the Mongolian people, especially those who persecute us (even unknown to them) and those being used by the enemy. I will say that I am affirmed in the love of my husband, and I believe him when he says he will do anything to keep me safe. But most importantly is the joy in praying with my husband, thanking God for His unconditional provision and protection. Knowing that God will not give us more than we can handle allows these incidents to be put in their proper place: a distraction to the battle we face to spread the Gospel and disciple His people. With or without family, God is my fortress, and my refuge.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Titus School has started~
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Diary from middle of the week
Monday, August 20, 2012
New Foods
A ritual drink served to guests and at special events is horse milk. I tried by first sip last week as we were invited into our neighbors Gher tent. A band of brothers had arrived to ask for the family's daughter's hand in marriage so they had prepared traditional meal items including Buj (the pastry dough with meat in the middle, first picture with a carrot salad). They served us a large bowl of horse milk (tasted fermented) followed by a clear liquid in a smaller bowl which I found out was also from horse's milk (heated milk and collected the vapors) which is a stronger version of the first bowl. Then they follow it up with a shot of vodka. Another item , with a strong taste, was what looked like a white cookie however it was dried horse's milk. It was soft in texture but had the same bitter fermented taste. I was so thankful to try this tradition but even more thankful that my stomach was not upset after since it was so strong.
At our YWAM base we often eat noodle base dishes, and they make the noodles from scratch each day. This picture shows me eating the noodles with fried meat, and pieces of carrot.
Outing to the border of Russia
First picture is of Manasa and I , with Russia in the background
Second picture is a common monument ( called ovoo) constructed to pay tribute to the gods, in high places (blue bands are even placed on tall trees)...donations of money and empty vodka bottles were made at this one (Shamanism).
Made it to Mongolia Safely
Monday, July 30, 2012
July Newsletter, pics to come!
Greetings from the Qaranivalu's
We would like to take this time to thank everyone for the recent
words of congratulations and financial blessings during this season
of two becoming one. We want to use this time to give an overview of how our wedding went. We had beautiful Fijian weather, with no rain. We were honored to have family surround us during out day.
Alissa's father, mother and best friend were able to travel from
America. Manasa's family was reunited in one place (three brothers and one sister, and their families) after 12 years.
Our wedding location was a nearby resort, held in a traditional Fijian "bure" (hut) that overlooked the mountains on the left, and the ocean on the right. Our heart was to give God the honor, while publicly declaring our vows to each other. We were blessed with many YWAM members and church representatives in attendance also.
After the pastor pronounced us as Mr and Mrs Qaranivalu, we honored our parents in washing their
feet as the first thing we did as a married couple. It was a blessed, emotional and joyous morning.

We held a Fijian 'tevutevu' (homecoming) in which each family declared their blessing, and we
received mats, pillows etc from family members. After this tradition, we held a reception that
included traditional dances, a live band, father speeches and lots of food. We were thankful for the
church and YWAM volunteers who allowed us to host such an event. We are thankful to God that
we were able to take a few days out for honeymoon at a nearby resort.
We look forward to a new chapter, returning to the mission field (Mongolia) as a married couple
(hoping to leave Fiji on August 8th). We will start the end of August by staffing a YWAM school
called "Titus" (Manasa will be doing teaching, worship leading, small groups etc and Alissa will
support with hospitality etc). The school is primarily being held in the Mongolian language, with
translation into Russian for a few Russian students. Students who have completed the SBS (School
of Biblical Studies- 9 months program) are eligible to take "Titus" which has a focus of teaching
students how to present the bible with different teaching methods, keeping in mind the differences
of learning styles in different cultures. After staffing this school, we plan on returning to the town
of Darhan and continuing to work part time with the YWAM base, focusing on English as a second
language outreach ministries, our community night, and various other events/outreaches. We will
learn as we go as we are sensitive to the fact that this is our first year of marriage and will be taking
time to set up our apartment, and building the foundations of our family etc.
We want you to know we include you in our prayers and look forward to continuing to send you
our updates. We would love to hear from you!
Please continue to pray with us in the next few weeks as we are waiting for our Mongolia Visa, air
ticket and adjusting back to Mongolia.
Mr and Mrs Qaranivalu
Emails: skillet25@gmail.com (Alissa), mahnsrq@gmail.com (Manasa)
Skype: alissa.kennedy, mahns.qaranivalu