Thursday, October 4, 2012

MOVING day number ONE

So with our adventures in moving.... we have been staying with missionary from Brazil, Ivania, in her studio apartment (yes three people sleeping in one room!) and have been grateful for her accommodation. Finally moved in on Sunday during a dust storm! I stayed home after just having kidney pain, and some of the young men from YWAM helped Manasa to move his things into the new apartment. When we returned the next day there was no electricity, but we didn't mind and enjoyed the candlelight dinners and worship time with guitar at night (nothing else to do!). However we received news from our landlord three days later that she was increasing the pay by fifty dollars a month and asking for the year's worth in rent (we chose this apartment because we live on monthly donations and would not be able to have that amount of money in one time). We decided to not unpack everything as we waited to hear back from her..... (more in next post)

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