Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Diary from middle of the week

Manasa has been busy studying most of the day so I made lunch, set up the kitchen, put away our clothes into the wardrobe so we dont live out of a suitcase, dyed my hair and started a load of laundry. Am i domestic today or what? We went grocery shopping and it was so funny, down back alleys and in the basement .... little stalls of vegetables and mutton meat laid out on makeshift tables. And NO CHICKEN!  Yikes! so glad manasa has an idea of what he is doing since Im still learning. We both laughed about what if we were doing this without knowing the language. Once some more money comes in maybe I can buy some flour and make some muffins or something. But then again school will starting so might be busy.
We had a meeting this morning to finalize the schedule for Titus school starting next week. We are excited because quite a few pastors are interested in taking the lecture phase (3 weeks) to improve on their teaching methods. Titus is focused on instructing Bible teachers how to most effectively teach the Bible. Im excited to sit in on the classes. Currently we only have Mongolian students signed up which will cut down on some translating from Mongolian to English. I will be helping to prepare welcome baskets, help with daily snacks etc.... The 'behind the scenes' things that are so important but releases our main staff to focus on their teachings. We have quite an international group of staff- myself from the USA, Manasa from Fiji, Bogi from Mongolia, Jeanine from Dominican Republic and Bogi's boyfriend Pasqual from Switzerland. All united with the same goal of equipping Mongolians to lay the foundations of Christ's teachings. Inspiring! 
Please continue to pray for the team as we settle into routine, prepare teachings, fundraise the rest of the money needed to buy materials etc...

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