Thursday, November 22, 2012

The broken...the homeless

As Manasa and I continue to pray about how to serve the people here in Mongolia, our hearts and more and more stirred for the homeless population. Because the winters get so cold here, there are often hungry, frost bitten (and sometimes passed out drunk) men and women (sometimes children) finding their warmth in apartment corridors, or even underground (as picture shows). Just the other night Manasa passed by a man who was in the drainage pipe, passed out. He was worried enough that he later went back out to see if this man was okay (he was already gone by that time). This youtube video was taken by an organization in the main capital city, we have not yet heard of a homeless shelter in our town. We do know a church that provides a meal once a week...we hope to be a part of increasing the resources for those who are poor, or without a home. Feel free to check out this link.....

"Being homeless in Mongolia"

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