And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love (2 Corinthians 13:13)
Taken from Stuart Briscoe's book "Living Love God's Way"
Something that becomes evident without much meditation is that these three qualities- faith, hope and love- go together. You can't pick and choose among them. The Bible draws a picture of these three graces as inextricably related and bound up in each other.
Faith is at the root of human experience. When you have faith in a valid object of faith, it produces hope. Hope becomes a branch that grows out of the root of faith. When you become a person of faith and hope, you develop a faith and hope in other people and in God, and that leads you to love God and love people. Love is the ultimate fruit.
Of these three superb Christian graces-absolutly interrelated, absolutely indispensable- love is still the greatest. We don't need to diminish faith or diminish hope in order to glorify love. Instead, we need to upgrade both faith and hope; and that allows love to flourish. Without hope, we become pessimistic and lethargic. Why do anything, since everything is such a mess anyway? That certainly isn't conducive to love. And faith is the ability to see what God sees- the divine potential He's planted in people. Faith keeps us from giving up on one another. Faith sees ahead, and love energizes growth toward that vision. Without faith, we could be sentimental and wish that things might work out, cry over another person's struggles, without the confidence that the struggles won't have the last word.
And what do we have if love is missing? Love is our ability to act in such a way that we build up others and ourselves. Love is action that springs from the very goodness and holiness of God. Love is what makes is all happen. That's why its the greatest of the three. Love is actually God's very character translated into something tangible for us to know.
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