Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Safely in Mongolia

Arrived safely in Mongolia, and my bag is in one piece and on time also ! Cannot complain about any of the airlines. I was hit with major stomach flu the nightbefore I was to fly out and had my parents pray over me. I was still throwing up at 5am but got in the car at 10am and headed to the airport. Im sure Satan was attacking as I head back into the missions thankful that the prayer warriors around the world were praying for me as my stomach stayed settled throughout the flights. I can now catch up on some jetlag. Listened to a Joye Meyer podcast on the plane and she said when you make a COMMITMENT for Christ, a decision or change than you can EXPECT to face the storm- but never alone- always in Gods hands. Another thing to be thankful for - being met with a pair of boots, mittens and a scarf as it is -17 degrees celcius here in Ulan Bator. Beautiful snowy mountains (im told they are more stunning in the summer) and some crazy 'cut you off' drivers! Our taxi driver even got out of the car to argue with a truck driver! So far every Mongolian Ive met has been very gracious and nice~ looking forward to more learning opportunities and appreciate your prayers for continued health and safety!

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