Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Packing- Looking towards return to Missions field

Writing a few thank you notes today to those have donated financially. I am still praying for continuing support and even monthly supporters to come on board and keep me serving in Island Breeze Brisbane, spreading the gospel throughout the lands ~
Yesterday I started to pack the suitecase, hoping to have room for some extra warm clothes (my stop in Mongolia for 2 weeks will be winter weather but my return to Brisbane will be SUMMER ~ woohoo)...  Ive attached a picture as I was pleasantly surprised to see that i have room for a few extra sweaters and dont feel pressure to leave anything important behind! (I have not weight it yet- I should be allowed 23 kg -50lbs).... learning the tools to travel light but still be comfortable!
The next few days are countdown and looking at last minute banking, toiletries etc.....

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