Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Relationship building

Lots of fellwship opportunties. \here a few of the girls in Yvonnias building came over for some tea and to practice english. \lots of laughs

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Water damage

While picking me up in the capital, Manasa received a call that his apartment was flooding and causing damage to the apartment below him, which is a Mongolia pastor, his American wife and four kids. They broke into the apartment to find one of the hot water pipes had rusted through. God often causes 'distractions' to missionaries when they are making progress on the field!

Roomate in Mongolia

I am staying with a Brazilian missionary , Yvonnia, in her apartment. The apartments here are very much 'Russian' influenced with blocks of apartments. They also burn their trash in an inside oven, and often have electricity and plumbing issues. She is only the second other non-Mongolian on the  YWAM base and I admire her love for children and her persistance in learning the language....

Arriving in Mongolia

Mongolia is hitting -20 degrees almost everyday so the first and most important present i received after stepping off the plane was a pair of boots, scarf and gloves.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Safely in Mongolia

Arrived safely in Mongolia, and my bag is in one piece and on time also ! Cannot complain about any of the airlines. I was hit with major stomach flu the nightbefore I was to fly out and had my parents pray over me. I was still throwing up at 5am but got in the car at 10am and headed to the airport. Im sure Satan was attacking as I head back into the missions field....so thankful that the prayer warriors around the world were praying for me as my stomach stayed settled throughout the flights. I can now catch up on some jetlag. Listened to a Joye Meyer podcast on the plane and she said when you make a COMMITMENT for Christ, a decision or change than you can EXPECT to face the storm- but never alone- always in Gods hands. Another thing to be thankful for - being met with a pair of boots, mittens and a scarf as it is -17 degrees celcius here in Ulan Bator. Beautiful snowy mountains (im told they are more stunning in the summer) and some crazy 'cut you off' drivers! Our taxi driver even got out of the car to argue with a truck driver! So far every Mongolian Ive met has been very gracious and nice~ looking forward to more learning opportunities and appreciate your prayers for continued health and safety!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Half way to Mongolia

Flu the night before flying back to the missions field-- devil's schemes are becoming predictable! Im 2 flights into a 4 flight trip to Mongolia.... " I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fun Facts about Mongolia

Temperatures have long cold winter and short warm summers. Ulaanbaatar is the coldest capital in the world, averaging minus 30°C in January. The warmest month, July, averages plus 25°C.

The main religion in the country is Tibetan Buddhism, which is enjoying a strong revival since the end of Soviet domination in 1990. Other religions are freely practiced. Churches of numerous Christian denominations can be found in both the capital and the countryside. The minority Kazakh
population in the far west is largely Muslim.

Over 90% of the Mongolian population speaks the Kalkh dialect of the Mongolian language.

Info from http://www.landex.mn/docs/Info_Mongolia.pdf

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

New Blog Features


I've tried to update my blog a bit as I leave the country much more motivated to update this blog regularly (well okay, at least weekly)!

One new feature I've added at the top is the option to entire your email address so you receive notification of new blog notes~

I also am trying to ease the fundraising process and have created a "paypal" donation button so that supporters can use their credit cards to support my housing, food, travel expenses etc....

Maybe more changes to come!

Thankfulness and Preparation

Preparing to head back to the missions field has made me so aware at how complicated living in this 'western' world can be- banking, insurances, credit cards etc... Lots more to 'keep in order' compared to other parts of the world. Makes me entirely grateful to have experienced the best of ALL worlds!

New prayer request:
I spoke with hospital that performed my surgery back in August and they had not yet heard from the travel insurance. Thankfully a wonderful lady named Vicki flagged this file as her project and took it upon herself to followup directly with the travel insurance, helping them track down the records (received 2 months ago) and pushing for quick process (should be just another 2 weeks). While I don't enjoy the idea of leaving the country with a potential 7000 dollar bill in my name, I trust those who are working the process. My prayer request is that the entire claim would be accepted with minimal cost to myself. I am thankful as my home church, Belmond Evangelical Free Church, has offered to help cover part of that bill.

Still to do- rearranging, prioritizing and packing (now sorted into piles of 'must haves', 'really want', and 'can do without'....) and of course some more family time!

Blessings to everyone as we head into 'Thanksgiving week' here in the USA

Thursday, November 10, 2011


Good quote...a good reminder!

It is possible for the most obscure person in a church, with a heart right toward God, to exercise as much power for the evangelization of the world, as it is for those who stand in the most prominent positions.
- John R. Mott

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Packing- Looking towards return to Missions field

Writing a few thank you notes today to those have donated financially. I am still praying for continuing support and even monthly supporters to come on board and keep me serving in Island Breeze Brisbane, spreading the gospel throughout the lands ~
Yesterday I started to pack the suitecase, hoping to have room for some extra warm clothes (my stop in Mongolia for 2 weeks will be winter weather but my return to Brisbane will be SUMMER ~ woohoo)...  Ive attached a picture as I was pleasantly surprised to see that i have room for a few extra sweaters and dont feel pressure to leave anything important behind! (I have not weight it yet- I should be allowed 23 kg -50lbs).... learning the tools to travel light but still be comfortable!
The next few days are countdown and looking at last minute banking, toiletries etc.....

Tribute to Jerry Tamanisau

Written by a friend in memory of Jerry Tamanisau

RIP Ciku (brother)!!!

If tears could build a stairway,

and memories a lane,

I'd walkright up to heaven

and bring you home again.


Not how did he die?

But how did he live?

Not what did he gain,

But what did he give?

These are the units to measure the worth

Of this man as a man, regardless of birth

Not, what was his station?

But had he a heart?

How did he play his God given part?

Was he at hand with a word of good cheer?

To bring back a smile or banish a fear?

Not what was his church or what was his creed?

But had he befriended those really in need?

Not how did the formal obituary run?

But how many grieved when his life's work was done?


Gone yet not forgotten,

Although we are apart,

Your spirit lives within me,

Forever in my heart.


If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.


Death leaves a heartache

No one can heal;

Love leaves a memory

No one can steal


Gone is the face we loved so dear,

Silent is the voice we loved to hear;

Too far away for sight or speech,

But not too far for thought to reach.

Sweet to remember him who once was here,

And who, though absent, is just as dear.


What would I give to clasp his hand,

His happy face to see,

To hear his voice, and see his smile

That meant so much to me.


Jerry! You are a great friend, a brother, an encourager! You will never be forgotten.. "everyone knows Jerry! everyone knows Jerry" Rest in peace and see you home!!!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Prayers for the family of a fellow warrior in Christ

Asking for prayer support for the Tamanisau family, and Island Breeze. This week Island Breeze lost a faithful member of it's team, Jerry Tamanisau. Jerry had been serving with Youth with a Mission for over ten years, using his talents of playing musical instruments, his love for youth, his soccer and rugby abilities, and his ability to dance to spread the gospel of Christ throughout the nations. I had the honor to serve with him at Island Breeze until this past January when he was married and stayed in his home country Fiji with his new wife Amanda (from America). He was diagnosed in June with an aggressive stomach cancer that had spread to his liver and other organs. We all mourn not only the loss of a ministry partner but also a faithful friend and example of generosity and faithfulness to God's call. I've copied a portion of his wife, Amanda's , words to us because she is inspiring in her response to the circumstances around her. Please continue to pray for Amanda as she is expecting Jerry's child in May. May we all be inspired to live the life we've been given to the fullest, not in Jerry's honor, but as he would say , "To Give Glory to God".... Amen

From Amanda:
"About a month before Jerry got to the worst, we were talking… I was asking him what are some of the main things he thought God was teaching us through all this… he said it was all about THE CALL… he was determined that when he got through all this, he was going to be that much more dedicated & committed to pursuing the true Call of God on his life – why he started missions in the first place...  In January, when we were given Psalm 90 about numbering our days to gain a heart of wisdom, we had NO idea how spot on that would be for our lives in 2011…


One of the saddest things I have seen as I travel around the world is a wasted life – whether it is wasted because people don't know what to do & wander through life aimlessly,unsure of God's hand-crafted plan for their lives,OR whether it is wasted because they focus on selfish & temporary pursuits rather than count the cost, focus on ETERNITY, & let God be the Lord over every area… one thing I would like to challenge all of Jerry's friends & family that the best way you can honour his life is to take that scripture to heart, lay down your lives & fully pursue the call of God RIGHT NOWdon't put it off… "waste" your life for Him in whatever sphere He takes you into & create impact for His glory."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Jerry in heaven

Just found out that our brother Jerry has left this earth to worship in the heavens.... We will greatly greatly miss him.
Here is a copy of what I wrote on his facebook wall as tribute:

Taking comfort in prophesies spoken over you a year and half ago:
"The day will come when watchmen will shout from the hill country of Ephraim, 'come let us go up to Jerusalem to worship the Lord our God'." Jeremiah 31:6
(You are the one to call to worship even to non-Christians)

"Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. I said to the Lord " You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing"… I have set the Lord always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore, my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will be secure." Psalms 10:9-11
(Validating that He is hearing the cry of your heart and the consistency of your walk.)

Amen Bro- God has always had the cry of your heart, and now we can be jealous of your perfect heavenly worship ~ You are irreplaceable.... praying for the Tamanisau family

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Please pray for Jerry

Sending a request to please be praying for my Fijian brother Jerry Tamanisau. He has faithfully served with YWAM for over ten years and I was blessed to spend last year serving with him in Community Center with Island Breeze Brisbane. He returned to Fiji, married Amanda (an American) last January and has recently been diagnosed with cancer in the stomach. It has progressed quickly and he now needs a liver transplant, has lost weight and is unable to walk etc. As we are praying for healing and miracles we are also keeping Amanda in our prayers as she cares for him in his family's home.
After having been through some frustrations with my own body, I can sympathize all too much and feel the agony that they must be going through. I praise God for my own health and well being and continue to pray for those who suffer from long term pain or illness. Our God is a god creator, and a God who can heal. Sometimes this is through our medical knowledge, technology and doctors...but other times its through that special touch of the Holy Spirit.
The Bible says God needs only to send His word and healing can spread throughout the land
""He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions." Psalms 107:20

I leave you with one of the verses that has been an encouragement to me:
 "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. He guards all his bones; not one of them is broken." (Psalm 34:19)

Thank you!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Newsletter Part 2 Finances


Praise report: a local church in Australia paid for my plane ticket home in July, praise the Lord!

My past financial needs for housing and food were at 200 dollars a month, however Island Breeze has made a change requesting 400 a month which leaves me with an extra 200 dollars a month to fundraise. I have just barely been making my monthly needs with the dues being at 200 dollars. I am asking you to pray about becoming a financial supporter either with a once a year donation, or a monthly donation (tax deduction available). This past year was challenging with travel expenses (outreaches) as well as other ministry expenses. Due to the fact that our YWAM base is primarily made up of staff from the Pacific nations, their ability to pay monthly dues is limited. This leaves other needs (such as paper for the office, food for hosting community outreaches, train/bus fares or gas money for outreaches to the community), on us as staff. For instance, on a weekly basis I may donate money to pay for transportation for our staff to chaperone a local youth night, buy socks for the bare feet of our Pacific islanders experiencing the cold for the first time, as well as paying for myself to get to church on Sunday and not to mention the regular toiletries and vegetables for the week (our base depends on donations from two local food banks to support our low budget- we thank God for their generosity but often are not able to get fresh fruit or vegetables from this source). All these add up quickly and God has always provided faithfully but I feel this is a season to strengthen my financial support team. I've learned this year that speaking out in faith those dreams, visions, and desires that God grants on our hearts is part of the process of receiving the blessing, so I must admit that my ideal is to be receiving over 500 dollars a month of financial support, to best equip myself and the Island Breeze Brisbane ministry team.

Could you be someone that can make a small (or large) sacrifice and join me as I continue to reach out to the nations with the gospel, discipleship and redeeming our cultures?

Current medical bills: I currently have a bill of over 17 000 dollars pending with my travelers' insurance. I'm asking that you intercede in prayer with me for the majority of that bill to be covered by insurance. I hesitate to leave the country without my medical bills resolved and am trusting God for a response in the next 2 weeks.

Return to the ministry: I am planning on purchasing a return ticket by next week with an expected price of 2000 dollars. Therefore, I'm also trusting God for the provision of those funds.

Update: since writing this letter I have purchased a ticket to Brisbane, leaving on the 21st of November, with a 2 week stop in Mongolia, for the bargain price of 1650 dollars~ praises!

Please contact me if you have further questions, encouragements or prayer requests~

Newsletter Part 1 Challenging Seasons

Instead of complaining at his lot, a contented man is thankful that his condition and circumstances are no worse than they are. Instead of greedily desiring something more than the supply of his present need, he rejoices that God still cares for him. Such a one is "content" with such as he has (Heb. 13:5). —Arthur W. Pink

Challenging seasons

"Never will I leave you nor forsake you"~God

We all have the challenging seasons, each person's story equally challenging in our trust of God and relying on His faithfulness to get us through. My year has not gone as planned due to medical issues. I was positioned to attend a YWAM school in New Zealand (Principles of Redeeming Cultures) in September but had to cancel due to an unexpected return to the USA. I had been suffering from dysentary since my outreach to Vanuatu, losing weight and energy. During that time of hospital visits etc I also developed a side pain which was revealed to be a tumor/cyst on my ovary. After the followup visit to the doctor in Australia was postponed and rescheduled for over a month away, I made the decision to head home to get quicker care in my home town in Iowa. (I had been sick since April and returned to the States the end of July). There is nothing better than being cared for and encouraged by family. I had surgery that ended up removing the ovary, as well as discovering endometriosis and polycystic ovarian syndrome. Praise God for no signs of cancer. As one can imagine it did stir up some emotions, and I am thankful that God was faithful in providing reminders of His protection of even my future children. I will continue to experience some pain and discomfort but have been cleared for travel. It's been my goal to make the most of the unexpected leave from ministry and pray God uses this time with family and rest to prepare me for the next season. Thank you for those of you who have been keeping me in your prayers. We know God is the ultimate healer and He has been faithful, in His timing (obviously not mine , ha!)

A nutshell

This time away from ministry has allowed me to continue casting dreams and visions for the future of Island Breeze Brisbane and also my role in spreading the gospel to the nations. I also have a heart for being involved in the pioneering of new ministries and new YWAM bases across the nations. Here is a reminder of my role in Gods Kingdom:

-- Discipleship ~ I have a heart for helping new Christians, or disillusioned Christians, have a passion to follow God with abandon. Keys to this are accountability, serving, the disciplines of reading the Scriptures/fasting /prayer, training and times of healing/counseling.

--Teaching ~ I was privileged to be challenged in this area in April and found this to be a new gift that I want to continue pursuing. I enjoy facilitating the learning about the Bible, about our relationship with God and the nature of God. Specifically I feel there is an ongoing need to continue educating about and practicing sharing the gospel, creating individual testimonies, and revealing how God is speaking.

-- Facilitating ~ One of the most rewarding roles I have at Island Breeze has been to position our staff into the community through coordinating of events and creating opportunities to minister. Sometimes this involves the logistics of visas and grants, other times simply being the communicator between church leaders and our available staff.

-- Redeeming Cultures ~ Island Breeze stands apart from other YWAMs due to our heart to seek God's fingerprints in our culture and encourage the expression of the beauty that God has given us, often through worship. This also involves breaking down barriers and other influences that have affected our cultures in the negative. This continues to be a passion of mine no matter the ethnicity.