Wednesday, July 4, 2012

TWO days till wedding time!

With two more days until the wedding here is an outtake from Manasa's recent prayer point letter to a support church in Korea. I am thankful that my parents could fly in for the wedding and a nice vacation time here in Fiji. Also thankful that my best friend from Chicago, Jenny, was able to also make the trip. Am enjoying my 'family' and watching Manasa fit right in. Like any wedding there have been some stressful last minute changes but God is still faithful and we are excited about the celebration day and even more so about the life to come together :) Vinaka!

Our wedding day will be two weeks from today on July 7th, 2012. We have decided to hold our celebrations in Lautoka Fiji, so that our friends and family can easily visit from all over. Alissa's parents and best friend will be joining us from the USA for ten days. My family will travel from all over Fiji and New Zealand to join the celebration. YWAM is hosting a new base opening the weekend before the wedding so we are excited to also host guests from our YWAM family as well. We will be having a small ceremony in a local Fijian "bure" (hut) located at Anchorage Beach resort. My mentor, Pastor Mike, will be the officiant and we are honored to have several pastors in attendance. Our family is hosting a traditional Fijian "tevutevu" (homecoming celebration) before our reception to introduce Alissa's family into my culture. Our reception will be at a local hall and we are so thankful for the support of family, church, and our YWAM community in helping us cater and entertain at this event. We couldn't do this wedding without their blessings.

The items we still have left to consider in the next few weeks include:
·       Funds for wedding rings
·       Wedding suit (we have given a down payment only)
·       Coordinating transportation (renting a vehicle for the week of the wedding)
·       Getting my Fijian drivers license completed
·       Funds for honeymoon
·       Signing up for marriage license
·       Completing our vows
·       Preparing for out of town guests (coordinating housing, transportation and food)
In preparing for the future we have been daily in prayer seeking God's wisdom. The following includes our current prayer points:
·       General health
·       Rent for the month of July (God has blessed me with a two bedroom apartment during this time in Fiji)
·       Ticket from Fiji returning to Mongolia (leaving on August 8)
·       Mongolian visas

Thank you so much for the great support in both prayer and finances. We have truly seen the hand of God move in our lives during the past few months, and we strongly believe this could not be possible without the power of prayer partners in our lives. We look forward to sharing with you further details about our future in our next newsletter.
For more information about our wedding celebration please visit the webpage:

Vinaka Vakalevu
Manasa Qaranivalu"

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