Monday, January 24, 2011

flood cleanup

I have arrived safely in Australia and since being back we've spent the week working on cleaning and landscaping projects for those who have been affected by the floods. It seems the first cleanup up has been done and people are now needing help getting the mud out of their basements, lawns and scrubbing with bleach the areas most affected. The boys at the base even worked on Saturday and Sunday but seem to enjoy it. We've been able to get lawn equipement back into running conditions and the girls and I spent an entire day cleaning and sterilizing toys for a local family with three autistic children. Their first floor was storage and play rooms, education rooms for their children. The water was so high on their house that the were prepared to climb in to the ceiling when the helicopters flew by to let them know the water was receeding. Many of these families will have emotional 'cleanup' as well as material (one seven year old boy kept telling me that the rain was coming and another flood; he had a hard time understanding that the flood was a one time deal). This week is our 'staff retreat' as we regroup together to focus on the upcoming year and our vision to continue working with the indigenous nations to spread the gospel and redeem cultures. Many changes ahead! Praise God for safety and provisions for all of us.
Pictures: volunteer firemen still continue to work with Brisbane residents (Api, fijian man next to truck); me pretending to work with the mud after spending the morning scrubbing the upstairs floorboards; a DTS student on outreach from Fiji, resting after a days workb

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