Thursday, April 8, 2010

Vanuatu Earthquakes

We had a medium size earthquake last night, or maybe it was a small one but seemed bigger :) Early in the morning I woke up and started praying against fear, not knowing why. Then as I was praying the first earthquake hit.  I layed there listening to some girls praying and told God I was ready if a tsunami came but I prefered to stay in bed and sleep the rest of the night (Amen?). As the second one hit I bounced out of the bunkbed (I was on top) and debated whether staying on the top floor of the two story building was safer than trying to make it downstairs and outside...decided to wait it out. No other aftershocks happened and one of the staff quickly checked (technology is great- even in the village we have internet) and there were no tsunami warning so we went back to bed (i stayed on the bottom bunk this time with my shoes ready to slip on). A couple of the fijians boys had not experienced an earthquake before (the people from Vanuatu have them from time to time) so they ended up staying up all night. Good experience for us to put into practice our faith in God. What is our first reaction when faced with crisis? To run? To save ourselves? To pray? I'm thankful for an almighty God that hears prayers and delivers! Just another step towards heaven~ Alissa

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