Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tuesday Update- Go Team!

Picture: Me, Lavenia, Sova, Solopoi, Akuila, Sai, Liti and Jenn

I preached my first sermon on sunday - way to start our outreach, even though its here is Samoa! In the morning Akuila preached (he did a really good job -focused on not worrying about tomorrow as god would provide as long as we seek first the kingdom). I also shared a brief testimony and Liti also and we danced two dances. It was a small church, most of the ones we go to are about fifty-one hundred people. The children there were awesome and they sang and danced their little hearts out during our worship time, they weren't afraid to pray outloud either. In the evening I got to preach! Akuila and Solopoi gave their testimonies and we did four dances. When we first got there they asked myself and Tom, our translator, to go meet with the elders. It was very traditional samoa and I was a bit nervous but they were all nice and just greeted me and prayed in samoan. I was thankful they allowed a lady to preach. It was only about twenty minutes, having translation took up a lot of my time. Awesome! The feedback I got was really good except i talk too fast! Too funny. Thats something I can work on. Praise God that He is finally allowing us to get out there and challenge ourselves.
Yesterday I spent most of the day on the bus, taking Jenn to the wharf because she will be joining the Savaii local team, and then to the airport with Liti to pick up a package and then a few places in town. I love being out of the base and experiencing Samoa and its beautiful scenery. The airport is at least forty minutes away by bus and the road runs around the coast so I got to see lots of water. Yesterday the bus was packed (always) so two little students had to sit on my lap. Only about four years old and six years old . They were sooo sleepy that they kept nodding off to sleep. I cant imagine allowing my four year old to go on the bus alone.
Embassy update: they finally released our passports with visas today after I had already gone to talk about a back up plan- either Fiji or American Samoa. Praise God we should be purchasing tickets tomorrow!
They celebrated all the july bdays last night by getting cakes and singing happy bday (andy, myself, panina and mercy). That was nice. Im still praying we get to do something nice likea picnic just the dts, or the beach. Sova and Sai pulled me over during their meeting and said they were trying to get us released. If not, i might have to run away for the day. Akuila keeps reminding me only one more month until my freedom is back but dang it, i want a memorable birthday!

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