Saturday, April 21, 2007

Saturday, April 21

Didnt make it into town on Wed- too busy! Things are still great. They still haven't let me do my own laundry because everytime I walk over and start the water someone is right beside me taking over :)
We have more people on base now, a team from New Zealand, about four families athat are doing a family ministry with their chilren for five weeks. They did a couple of seminars for us students but normally we dont see them often. They do seem to be having a harder time adjusting to the culture and food than me and Jenn. I mean, they dont even like the cocoa rice which is a treat to us!! Right now two of our leaders, Atu and Sio are at a conference in australia and so the team is really pulling together well to keep everything running. Sometimes its hard to remember I am a student and I need to let the base staff take care of things.

Our last work duty I discovered a whole new section of our small plantation that had pineapple!! So they cut me one and I had fresh pineapple, yum. That was after I watched the boys chase after the mouse with their machetes, and of course the mouse had to run my way, causing me to scream, and then of course get made fun of for about fifteen minutes! I still have a hard time trusting those machetes swinging through the air. They do the job well but I can just picture my little toe missing one day.
This weeks' speaker was incredible- a man from Samoa who is now living in Hawaii. He has such a gift and has met with me one on one a few times. He wrote for each student, before he met us, a 'letter' from God with reminders and also a bible verse for each of us. My bible verse is Romans 8:14-18:
"...because those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba,Father." The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. " Many encouraging and edifying words spoken this week. We also had a bonfire yesterday and were asked to write a list of what satan stole from us (whether through our own choices or others) and place it in the fire, asking God to give us what we are lacking. It was a lot of leaving the 'old life'... especially for two that comes from the streets.
We start street evangelism next week which will be interesting for sure. We will go in teams, with at least one Samoan in the bunch to translate if needed

We have a new dog on the base. Its a stray dog and of course the boys have such tender hearts they keep feeding him so he's stayed. Right now he goes by the name 'gangsta' (I know, i know...) I met with a Samoan family in town last week and one of the boys was asking me if I knew famous people like Tom Cruise, Beyonce. When I said no he said 'why not?'. I explained how big America is (not like Apia where you know most of the families) and also explained the concept of security guards. Ha! Bless his heart.
Okay one more story- so Thursday was NOT my day. I was sitting in class, whichis an open fale, when a lizard pooped right on my skirt! He must have been climbing on the roof branches. AND THEN... later that night when I was talking to Pine, the speaker, and my leader Malakai in the guest fale, a bird pooped on me! What was going on??? I guess I was a target! Really though, id rather that than the lizard running up my leg again. Or that mouse... sometimes I wonder if they get in the fale at night when we are sleeping.

I guess i have two other updates-
I got sick this week for the first time (only one day). Its humbling because there is NO privacy so I constantly have people saying 'alissa - you okay?' while I am trying to sleep..... Its nice because some prayed over me but Im used to shutting myself in my house with the cell phone off until I feel better. Three people went down to the next village to get me crackers and sprite. God is teaching me to see their hearts and not complain. Praise God for his healing.
The other update- we are starting to see tht some of the students are having some trouble raising funds. God totally blew us away this week and we started praying and two days later had 500 tala (250american dollars)... we know God will be faithful to provide but some are starting to get anxious. Im thankful that my fees are paid off right now ... praise God. Thanks for all your encouraging emails and thoughts! Im sure more stories next time! (I think we get to visit the prison in another four weeks or so)

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