Thursday, March 8, 2007

Thursday March 8


So many of you may already know I was in a car accident on Tuesday night. Thankfully no one was hurt but the timing is terrible.... my car went into the shop today and after being smootched between two cars the repairs most likely won't get done before next Friday, the 16th when I am scheduled to move back to Iowa (unless our prayers speed it up!). ALSO another prayer request is that they took my license until I either pay a ticket, appear in court (which wouldn't happen until April after Im gone to Samoa) , or do an online drivers education class thing. Ill be calling the Traffic Clerk to see if there is a way to speed all this up as Id like to have everything settled before I fly out on the 27th.... Does anyone else agree that the timing on all these seems a little bit like Satan's work??

Overall things are going well but wanted to share the latest as much thought, time and prayers are being put into the aftermath.

One blessing to report through all this: Allstate insurance has been VERY helpful and they are waiving my deductible since the man who hit my also carries Allstate insurance. I hope to send an update letter out by mail soon

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