Friday, February 16, 2007


Oh my heart is so full of joy right now. I received an email this morning from a childhood friend that was a neighbor while my family lived in Quebec. She received Christ three years ago and can tell about His 'amazing love'. My heart is so blessed right now to know she is now part of the family :)
"Réjouissons-nous, frères et sœurs dans le Christ, car, aujourd’hui, le Seigneur a ouvert les portes de sa Maison pour accueillir une nouvelle fille dans sa Famille."
(Rejoice brother and sisters in Christ because today the Savoir has opened the doors of His house to welcome a new daughter into His family)
Also starting today I will be fasting for a few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's cool to hear that you're going on missions soon. may God bless you all the more as you start this new journey.