Mystery Breakfast!
We are holding a Mystery Breakfast fundraiser tomorrow morning, from 8-10am at the EFree Church in Belmond. What is a "mystery" breakfast? It's fun! There are 'code names' on the menu (in our case-locations where we've lived or served). You number the order you wish the items to come to you (three courses of five items each). Each food, drink item and utensil has a corresponding code name (but only the servers know!). So in theory you may end up ordering a bowl of cereal, sausage, coffee, knife and napkin (so the dilema begins- how to eat cereal without a spoon?) The items are removed before the next round! As we raise funds, this method also gives us an opportunity to fellowship and have some laughs along the way. We will be presenting a bit more about our heart for Asia and the work we hope to do. Thankful for all the volunteers and food donations to make it a success!