Tuesday, September 28, 2010
First Nations update 1
Monday, September 27, 2010
Outreach funds needed: Oh Canada!
Our cultural team is preparing for an outreach to the First Nations of
Canada (Oct 28-Dec 6)...following our bases vision to reach out to
indigineous people group. After some prayer and fasting, both Gee (the
Samoan lady I work with in Community Centre) and myself have felt to
join the team for their outreach. We will spend one month in Canada,
primarily in Alberta and Manitoba. My main vision for going is three
fold: to see how the leaders bridge the gap to create opportunities
for the islanders (which make up Cultural team) to use their giftings
in outreach. Also I myself would be involved with community focused
outreach including helping at a coffee shop ministry etc that will
help both Gee and I discover better our passions and create vision for
our Community Team as we return to Brisbane. I will also have the
opportunity to speak healing and truth into the lives of not only the
First Nations but any other person that crosses our paths from youth,
to church members to the cashier at the nearest MacDonalds! I would
have never predicted that God would call me back to Canada and the
cold and while my body shivers at the thought of being in the
mountains, in November, in Alberta, I am also in awe of how God will
use us as His vessel in ways we couldn't imagine. I am excited to
learn more about the First Nations and also compare their progress to
that of the Aborigene population here in Australia. I've included a
brief overview of our scheduled outreach.
I had not planned on another until oct 15th to raise 2000 dollars
(this is for both airfare and ground fees). Because of this I am
asking if you would consider praying about making a one time donation,
or increasing your monthly donation this month.I am truly honored and
humbled that up to this point God has been faithful to provide for my
monthly fees and even airfare travel (Vanuatu trips). If you are a
monthly donor, I cannot thank you enough for being the blessing that
God uses to equip me to continue speaking His truth and freedom. I
will continue to update you with how my fundraising is going and how
our team is preparing. We meet daily to interceed for our trip and the
First Nations as well as practice dances etc (yes, I am learning a
Hawaiin dance and a Samoan dance- this is not my gifting but I am
enjoying pushing myself and trying something new).
Schedule for Canada tour:
Alberta: 28-30 October work with coffee shop ministry
Fundraiser 31 October
Indigenous community in mountains 1-13 Nov
Fly or drive to Manitoba 15th Nov
Manitoba: Ginew reserve, and Winnepeg first nations church 16-20 Nov
Fundraiser 21-22 Nov
Cross Lakes First nation 23-27 Nov
Team flies to Kona Hawaii for 50th YWAM Jubilee Festival
Here is some information about First Nations from Wikipedia:
First Nations is a term of ethnicity that refers to the Aboriginal
peoples in Canada who are neither Inuit nor Métis. There are currently
over 630 recognised First Nations governments or bands spread across
Canada, roughly half of which are in the provinces of Ontario and
British Columbia. The total population is nearly 700,000 people. Under
the Employment Equity Act, First Nations are a "designated group",
along with women, visible minorities, and persons with physical or
mental disabilities. They are not defined as a visible minority under
the Act or by the criteria of Statistics Canada.
The term First Nations (most often used in the plural) has come into
general use for the indigenous peoples of the Americas located in what
is now Canada, except for the Arctic-situated Inuit, and peoples of
mixed European-First Nations ancestry called Métis. The singular,
commonly used on culturally politicised reserves, is the term First
Nations person (when gender-specific, First Nations man or First
Nations woman). A more recent trend is for members of various nations
to refer to themselves by their tribal or national identity only,
e.g., "I'm Haida," or "We're Kwantlens," in recognition of the
distinctiveness of First Nations ethnicities.
Thank you for your continued interest in missions! God bless,
Donations can be sent to my home church:
Belmond Evangelical Free Church
attn Alissa Kennedy
2796 130th Drive
Belmond IA 50421
Saturday, September 11, 2010
thoughts on leadership
1) Nothing happens without leadership; Everything rises and falls with leadership
2) Test yourself as a leader by asking ‘Is anyone following?’
3) Characters speaks loudly
4) When you stop learning, you stop leading
Acts 13- Leaders were seperated by the Holy Spirit
Types of leadership
1) Religious (example prodigal son) Galatians 6:1- This type is what killed Jesus
2) Passivity
*Religious spirt is the enemy to intimacy
Marks of a good leader
- Hear the call and sacrifice for the call
- Listeners
- Empathy/Compassion (ask for these gifts as well as gift of healing)
- Awareness, spirit of discernement Psalms 105
- Vision, see the future
- Stewardship - the call
- Keep growing and desire to see others grow
- Builds community
Question: What direction am I leading my family? Am I taking leadership seriously?
Thursday, September 9, 2010
September update
Pictures: Friend Kara, who is my small group and I; my church family
Already in September! Time seems to fly by quickly on the missions field, as once one project ends, another one begins. This month our community team has been downsized and at times there are only three of us balancing our school mentoring, running our community church night, helping at a food pantry and running small groups. Also our base, with numerous transitions, has also been focusing on praying for more leadership. This month has allowed us some extra activities such as “Splash Out”,(a one week youth camp during their school holidays), a cultural day for a Catholic school representing the islands of Vanuatu, Samoa, Fiji, Tonga, Papua New Guinea and the indigenous of Australia. We also have a youth night concert called Youth Alive, a scheduled movie night, and hosting two chapel services at a Lutheran School. God continues to offer many opportunities to reach out into the community and we are praying for continued discernment and more staff with passion for reaching the hurting and lost. My centre, the community centre, is led by Sio, a Samoan that I actually meant back in 2007 in Samoa. He married a Philipino lady before last Christmas but has been unable to attain a visa for her to return to Australia. Since they have been over eight months apart, he has finally decided to take some time off to meet her in Samoa. Depending on her continued visa application process, he may not return.
I myself have been dealing with visa’s and recently had a bit of a visa scare. In leaving the country in August, to Vanuatu for four days (my current tourist visa requires that I leave the country every three months), I was told that the expiration date was not September 17th, but rather August 17th thus they would allow me to exit Australia but I would not be able to return. This was at 5am and after some prayer I decided to risk it and continued onto Vanuatu. I checked my visa information on the internet and it confirmed a September 17th expiration date. I came back to Australia with lots of prayer support and in passing through immigration I was not asked one question (it felt a bit like God closing the lion’s mouths when Daniel was thrown in…perhaps God had closed the mouth of the immigration agent!). I will be launching my visa in about one week and should shortly receive a bridging visa until my 2 year “religious visa” is approved. While in Vanuatu I experience two small aftershock earthquakes (they had a 7.0 earthquake the week before) and the Nivans (those from Vanuatu) were discussing how God is ‘waking up’ the nation with an increase in earthquakes this year. This trip was bittersweet as many of the Nivans who had worked with me in the Leadership Training back in April/May have now backslidden or become discouraged. I’ll continue to pray for the nation and for God to bring revival.
I am planning on returning to the USA for the month of December as my sister Megan is having her first baby (a girl!) in November. I am thankful for “Skype” on the computer which allows me to talk with her and even see her as her belly grows. My finances continue to be an ongoing prayer requests as travel requires extra fees not included in my staff fees. I feel fortunate to not be in debt as numerous staff, especially from the islands, owe the base money for their fees. Busyness has not allotted me much computer time but I would still love to hear from you, your prayer requests, and how God has been moving in your life. Thank you so much for your ongoing support ! May God Bless….Alissa