Friday, October 30, 2009

Aussie land

The aussie's have a funny way of abbreviating everything. Sunglasses become sunnies, footie refers to a football, aircon is airconditioning etc.... They also have a uniform in the public school system that includes a hat. I guess the sun is pretty vicious and they have a lot of skin cancer so its become a requirement. Kids can get into big trouble for not wearing their hat. It makes me laugh, would our independent America be okay with the school system telling us how to dress and how to protect ourselves against the environment? I'm not so sure. Thursday night I went to the local mall and entered into the familiar 'Target' store. When checking out they asked if I wanted a ten cent bag. There was no other options. I'm all for the 'ecofriendly' system and often carry my own bag when shopping but also had to laugh at the fact that they would not be providing a bag for my purchases.... Has this hit America yet? The mall was swarming with young kids. There was a 'brawl' up near the entrance about one hour before the mall was to close. Apparently this is a normal occurrence , both for kids to fight at the mall but also just for kids to fight! At a youth gathering last night I spoke to a couple of the local girls and they were talking about how if you are one city and known to be from another high school you can easily get jumped, especially the boys. Its a part of their 'normal' life... so sad! Tonite I am heading down the red light district of Brisbane, called the Valley. There is an outreach that goes down there every Saturday evening until 3 am and they are making a big impact on people through evangelism and encouragement. It will be interesting to see and am praying for protection along the way.
New goal for when I return to the States- get an international driver's license. That way I don't have to worry about it whenever I travel or do any outreaches....

Monday, October 19, 2009

Rugby weekend

Kara, Maggie, myself and Liti with our new rugby jerseys to support the Island Breeze boys
Travelled with the Island Breeze team to Bryon Bay this weekend. Tournament started on Saturday with a full day of games (only lost one) and then finished up on Sunday (we lost in the semi-finals). Our boys played well for the most part, better on Sunday than Saturday. We stayed in a church- all on the floor but no one seems to mind. It was good fellowship. I tend to get nervous now watching rugby. Its easier for me to watch a game with no one I know, because then I just enjoy the good plays. But with the boys I know I get worried they are going to get hurt. Rugby is tough man. I see american football in a whole new light.
I did get to the most eastern point, near the light house. It was closed so we stood and looked at the shoreline and beach. Sometimes I forget Australia is actually a HUGE island! I also snuck away Sunday morning before the first match and spent some time on the beach. Very touristy area but also fun. Was a good weekend to make new friends, and support our boys with something they are passionate about.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Go Island Breeze Rugby Team

Good job to the island breeze rugby team who made it to the semi-finals. (with no major injuries!)


Typical Samoan response:

Me: So does your American fiancee have a large family?

Samoan: No, only five sisters

HA! That coming from our 2 kids one dog average !

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Byron Bay

This weekend is rugby weekend! The boys are playing in a tournament Saturday and Sunday in Byron Bay. I've been through there last time I was in Australia but this should be good- to see a little more of the area. Plus we are all sleeping over on the church floor! Feels like outreach.... I've heard that it's the most eastern point for Australia in New South Wales. The town has a population of 9000 individuals. They advertise some beaches and light houses... Ill bring my camera for this trip!


So just for anyone's future reference: you can be fined two hundred dollars for being on the train without the proper ticket... YES there is a story (with a grace ending), and no I won't share it ... let's just say don't trust fijians. HA!


Australian money- they round their bills. At first I thought this was a brilliant idea-no pennies! I wonder if someone has done a study to see if we really break even. BUT then I realized that their 20 cent pieces are as big as Canadian loonies and heavy! I would break my wallet/purse if I kept my change in there. I certainly feel like a tourist, squinting to see if its a one dollar coin or a two dollar coin even though they aren't the same size. So I just make sure to slip in my disclaimer : Im from Chicago.....


Dust Storm today!

Feeling it in my dry throat and sinuses... don't notice it much except getting on the highway it looks hazy from afar....

Wonder how the kangaroo feel about it?

Food for thought

Some of my favorite Island Foods from this week:

Baked Bean sandwitch (yes, bread cheese and baked beans together)
Sausage, and Pumpkin soup

Hmmm thank God for the blessings....Alissa

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Samoa outreach

Greetings from Island Breeze Brisbane, YWAM!

I arrived to Island Breeze Brisbane last week and was warmly welcomed
by old friends and new ones. This base is made up primarily of
individuals from Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu, and the Philippines. It
has been a relaxing visit and a reconnection with the island food and
I have some exciting new endeavors on the horizon for my time here in
Brisbane. God has opened some incredible doors to be included as part
of the team while I'm here. I've been asked to be a part of the team
organizing an event called 'Save Samoa' which will include a concert
in the city, with the purpose of raising funds for the survivors of
the tsunami in Samoa. The YWAM base in Samoa, in coordination with the
Red Cross, has been involved in supporting the rebuilding and
encouragement of those who have lost property, and family. The need
continues and Island Breeze Brisbane, aside from hosting this
fundraising event, will also be sending a container of supplies and a
team from this base. The funds and donations raised from the November
14th event will go directly to YWAM Samoa to be distributed to those
who are hardest to reach. We have heard concerns regarding some of the
support supplies and money being held by churches or 'matai' (chiefs)
and not reaching the people with the most need which is why we are
relying on the Red Cross to guide us and also sending our own team. My
role in preparation for the November 14th event here in Brisbane is
primarily communication, writing letters requesting donations etc.. It
is a challenge but also a blessings to be a part of something so big.
Please be praying for us as we tread unknown waters and seek God in
faith for all to come together for such a big event.
I've also been included on the list of individuals from this base
returning to Samoa on November 7th. The main players of this group are
experienced singers and dancers and will be touring. We also have
heard of the great need for crisis counselor/spiritual support and
hope to fill this role also. Our team will be in Samoa for one week
and the cost of round trip ticket is 800 dollars. I know with
certainty that God wants me to be included in this team, and feel
honored at the opportunity. I am waiting on God to provide the funds
to pay for my ticket and would like you to consider donating to this
need. Every day God shows me how much the need on the mission field
is, and humbles me in realizing that He's chosen me to be a part of
something He is designing.
Even though these projects are now on my heart, I am also feeling God
use this time for rest and some good studying/reading time.
Reconnecting with God's truths in my life and reviewing how He's
working in my life to trim out the bad and allow more room for the
holy…. Please let me know if you would like to donate to my ticket,
allowing me to serve those in need in Samoa. GOD BLESS and on behalf
of the 'islanders', I thank you for your support…. ~Alissa

Friday, October 9, 2009

Island Breeze Australia

I've made it safely to Australia. The plane rides were long but no major delays. I'm currently staying at Island Breeze YWAM base in Brisbane, the location that I did my outreach two years ago with YWAM. I've been enjoying catching up with old friends and making new ones. The base staff are almost all of island background (Fiji, Tonga, PNG, Samoa)....It feels like home! Currently I am helping prepare for a fundraising event and concert scheduled for November 14th called 'Save Samoa'. I've been preparing letters requesting donations and performers for the event. It's nice to be able to help out on the base while I stay here. The base is nice, kangaroos roam free and I've seen one koala in the tree so far. Australia is always fun because everything seems so 'familiar' and yet I can walk into the mall and not recognize one store. I'm adapting to the few word differences such as 'trolley' instead of shopping cart, 'lolli' instead of candy, 'mobile' instead of cell phone, and phrases such as 'full on' and 'good day'..... Thanks for all the prayers ! I will try and get a few pictures to post sometime next week! God is good, all the time....

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Heading to Australia!

After a nice break here in the midwest I am leaving tomorrow for the YWAM Brisbane Australia base. I will be so excited to touch base with those I met during my DTS outreach, and also make new friends. My flight will be long- the longest is 12 hours between LA and Auckland New Zealand. Who invented such long flights? Hmm I suppose the vast ocean had something to do with it! I will be spending just one day in the Chicago before I fly out, not enough time to catch up with everyone but I hope to be back around Christmas time. Continue to pray for the transitions going on in St Croix.... Here we go on another adventure!!