Friday, August 31, 2007


So today we spent our first day in 'emerald' after a TEN HOUR drive yesterday (praise the lord we made it) and we almost ran into about eight kangaroo but god was faithful to us and our bumpers. This morning we had prayer at the botanical gardens. they have some interesting plants- one looks like a vase, with a big bottom then like a palm tree on top. We are oging again tomorrow so i might bring my camera. This afternoon we went to a REAL live Ranch. Complete with horse back riding (two of the fijians it was for the first time). Akuila rides bare back at home (and bare foot) so this was the first time for him to ride with a saddle. They cookedus stew and dumplings on the fire. on the way home we almost hit kanga, porcupine and possum . it was all in all a good day. I also found it a bit strange that their ten year old son was describing D Day to me and even brought out a book he's reading about the british and american troups. I honestly think he knew more about it than i did! This is what I imagined aussie to be--- lots of nothing, ranches that go on for hundreds of acres, lots of trees, a few rives, kangaroos. we must me quite a ways in land. Gotta run to bed, thanks for checking in, more adventures ahead Im sure!

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -- John 14:27

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Tuesday, August 28, 2007

More pictures

Meaghan and Pisa's wedding; both from Brisbane YWAM Base (Pisa Fijian and Meaghan Australian)

Traditional island dance, Island Breeze performers (at the wedding)

Solepoi and myself at a barbeque hosted by John's (from Brisabane YWAM) aunt and uncle

Aborigine church, some of the children before we performed our items


Group shot in Kyogle in front of a mural in town, before we ran the kids program at church for the Aborigines

Us before Leadership Training Conference (La, myself, Akuila, Sova, Liti in the back)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Tues - on the road again

Quick update: We are leaving again tomorrow morning for another location (and be there until Sunday)- i guess its about ten hours away, heading north and west from Brisbane, a town called 'emerald'?? Even my leaders aren't for sure of the name yet. Last minute details. We performed one song last night at the base and its hard to leave them because they seem like family now. Im still praying about staying on here at thebase and waiting for God to show me not only where I should be but the timing also! I was SO COLD last night.... makes me miss the summer in Chicago.... andthe wonderful festivals downtown.... *sigh*...By the way, when we were in Kyogle I had pizza for the first time in four months... but it was ham and pineapple pizza so I am still looking forward to my first REAL meaty piece of pizza (um I guess I am hungry right now!). Here is a quickoverview of the past two weeks:
Left Brisbane for Kyogle and stayed on a beautiful ranch where we saw wallabies every morning. We worked with the Aborigene community, especially in church and also performed at a park and did a kids program. We travelled from there to Port Macquarie for a wedding, a beautiful city, beaches and giant waves...very nice touristy town. We stayed a week near there in Kempsey and again got connected with an Aborigene church who were so welcoming. Then we came back to Brisbane, and now off again....
Will I make it to Syndney before I leave? Hopefully the beginning of next week, I should start praying about it cause I would love to not only see the city but also the YWAM base there.... its hard being under someone else's leadership!!! forso many reasons:)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Back in Brisbane

Just a quick note to say I am back in Brsiabne! Thank goodness it was a rumor about the living conditions and we were able to stay in a house almost all thetime except one night!!!
We spent the last week in Kyogle and Kempsey as our bases and going out to meet with the Aborigines, run some kids programs, work with the church services, perform , intercession and prayer time and the Aborigenes love to talk and joke so lots of fellowship time! There are som that really ministered back to us and were an encouragement also! Such a blessing to see how God is working in these churches. We saw wallabies as soon as we got out there and in Kyogle we stayed out on a ranch type land so saw lots of animals! We also went to a wedding, a Fijian guy and Australian girl from the base in Brisbane, and it was beautiful, also gave us a chance to see the scenic town of Port McQuarie. One week left, I think they are trying to get us to Syndney a bit too. Being in the team has had its rough moments, please be praying for my decisions after the DTS is done including committing to ministry or coming home , and how to use my finances wisely! Hopefully ill have some time soon to write more details! Im safe and sound!

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Off we go

Just a quick update: we leave for Mulimuli to minister to the aborigenes early tomrrow morning, like 4 am. I guess the rumor is we sleep outside near the fire so you um, I hope its just a rumor. I have a sleeping bag, blanker and half another sleeping bag in case. And as many warm clothes as I could find, I also bought a stocking cap today just in case. Praise god for the boots i brought. We are performing again tonite because its 'fiji' night at one of the churches so we will do our meke. This morning a man, Nu's (Students) uncle , blessed us with plenty of food for a barbeque. Last night I got to ride down to the city, Brisbane at night and it was beautiful. I newer city, university nearby. I liked it alot and hope to see it again during the day. People seemed quite a bit more casual than chicago in dress and style. Still trying to make decisions for after the DTS so please continue to pray. I guess on the base they found a koala in one of the trees but the law is that you have to call the animal service people right away. Can i at least take a picture? maybe next time. Love the people on the base, so nice and generous and talented. We will be gone almost two weeks, one week in mulimuli then to a wedding (fijian guy on the base here in australia with ties to two of our staff from fiji) and then finally back. Still trying to not freak out everytime we turn on the round abouts and I feel we are driving the wrong side of the street! Aie! So good day to you all and hopefully update again in a week or so! alissa


Just a quick update-we've been here at the base for about one week and this week were able to do two mornings of evangelism at a local mall, its good to get in the swing of things. We are also helping out in the kitchen and doing some yard works. Because our finances are low the boys have also had the opportunity to earn some money by working for people. We praise God for the opportunity to minister to the aborigenes in Mulimuli and we will be leaving on Friday morning, early. Its inland and we are encouraged to see more of Australia!! more later, supper time, alissa

Friday, August 3, 2007

In Australia!!

I made it safely to Australia!! Our team has a few minor hitches while traveling but we made it safely. We lost one bag, but it was picked up the next day. We also had to spend some extra time filling out customs notices because it wasn't written in the right color ink :) And then on the way to the base we got a call from airport that Solepoi's passport was found. How that happened we dont know :) Lavenia arrived last night and she was the last of the crew to fly in and we praise God that we are all here in Australia (even though La only has a one way ticket). Solepoi's first time on the plane went well. He asked me midflight if he could take his shirt off cause he was hot and I explained it wasn't appropriate in a plane. He also felt pain after the second flight in his ears so I gave him some gum. When we were leaving Syndney to come to Brisbane he got excited about some lights outside and I looked out expecting to see the beautiful city of Syndney, instead his excitement was over the lights on the cranes of a construction site. But he is right.. it was pretty :). He also got to ride the escalator for the first time with no problem.
We are staying at the YWAM Island Breeze base in Carbrook (its a phenomonal dancing group) and will be here for one month. Our finances are so tight that the little money we have we are using for food on the weekends and transportation. The base is so generous in providing food for us and waving our fee for housing.
THE COLD... oh my goodness. I had been focusing so much on praying for my islanders and their adjustment that I forgot my own! The first day was really tough for me , we woke up and it was so cold we could see our breath (sova joked it was like smoking)... the cold is PAINFUL! I might need more clothes. I think now that Ive been here a few days my body is adjusting back but I didn't realize it would be hard on me! Also some cutural shock things... like wanting to take my shoes off before entering a building, or feeling stuffy in the morning cause im used to an open fale, or needing to buy a watch, or wanting to say Tulo as I pass by (excuse me) etc...So far we have only been off the base once, to a park down the road that is on a main river. We went there to pray and it was pretty, lots of different birds here. My favorite is the black and white one but I dont know what they are called. We are praying about opportunities for next week to start getting into the culture and start ministering. So far we've been serving the base. The boys are out this morning clearing someone's yard, and they will give a donation towards our team (the ladies are in charge of preparing the boys lunch, sounds like a sweet deal to me!). Ive heard a couple of 'Goodayes' since being here but a large part of the base is Fijian (so my islanders fit right in). The DTS here just had their graduation last night and will be leaving during this next week. Some americans. There was a crazy good Moire dance (very warriors/angry/ aggressive type dance) and it was really moving- about Christ's death. I can't even explain it but the men pound their chest and actually scratch themselves... it was good. I need batteries for my camera so I can get some of that on video.
We give praises to God not just for health and safety but even the blessing of little things like the abundance of food, they are filling our fridge with bread and butter everyday and we eat with them so we get meat, and veggies every meal. Solepoi is quick to point out how good the australian bread is (he just means whole wheat or grain bread).
Enough of an update for now, since we have internet on the base I can update more later!
In case you want to send me a card or anything the address here is:

Island Breeze Carbrook, Australia

Attn Alissa, YWAM Samoa
799 Beenleigh-Redland Bay Road, Carbrook 4130BrisbaneQueensland