Wednesday, May 30, 2007


More to come but here is a quick link for this week:

(Under 'subalbums', 'Savaii')

Wedn- fundraisers!

Quick update, hope to work on pictures today. Had a good week- things too hectic with schedule on Sat so didnt get in. We had another fia fia night which turned out fantastic, its like hosting a big block party. Then the next morning we were up at 4am to get the chicken roti going to sell (which also turned out fantastic). On Sunday I was able to attend the Fijian church and since one of the staff, Semi, was preaching we also did a song (so I got to participate since it was one of ours that we performed at the fiafia night!). They were gracious and fed us afterwards also. Even though I didnt understand a thing it was cool, they sang accapella, and were all very nice. We did another fundraiser (as you can see the time for Hong Kong is fast approaching) and we worked at a plantation all day, in the rain! It was a beautiful land, and our main job was picking up and sorting coconuts, branches, and cutting grass. We got to make fresh lemonade from their lemon tree and I tried about three new fruits. While I was working, it was so beautiful and 'islandish' that I started thinking maybe I was in 'Jurassic Park' and was waiting for the purr of a dinasour creeping up behind me!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Jennifer and my trip to savai was wonderful! We caught the small ferry at 6am and while it wasn't as comfortable and smooth it was nice to get tehre early. onasai and silosi woke up to drive us in the van and onasai got us on the ferry just on time. I got a bit seasick towards the end and since i hadn't really been on a ferry before I chose to look at the ground ( I now know that fixing on a future point helps more). I was praying for gods steadfastness and to calm the seas and the waves of my stomach. I prayed "lord I want to be a good witness to represent both you and the YWAM base so please dont let this palagi throw up over the side of the boat". HA~ When we got there we went to the market which is about half the size of the one in Apia but its set about the same with fruits, fresh fresh, etc... We got some fruit for breakfast and got on the bus. it took us about one hour to get to the village of Manasse where the fales were. We stayed with the Family Ministry team that had formally been on our base. Its called Janes Fale and has about 16 fales along the beach; jennifer and I shared one. Savai is incredible with such variety in the land- beautiful beaches, lushious green trees, there was some hard black lava areas.... There were a lot of horses, something we dont see too often near Apia. The beach was quiet, clean... it rained most of the day on Saturday but mainly just drizzling so we got to go swimming, walking on the beach etc. the sunset was breathtaking but the sunrise was even better. Ill HAVE TO get my pictures up. Ive never seen anything like it. Besides our team there was only two other couples and as I walked down the beach i didnt see another soul even though it looked like there were a few other places like Janes with guest fales. The people that own the place served us a wonderful dinner and breakfast (included in the cheap price). I plan on going back. Listening to the waves while falling asleep is so soothing; waking up to a rooster under our fale at five oclock is not!! Maybe God wanted us up for the sunrise though.... There is a place nearby where we can swim with sea turtles but since we didnt have the time it will be saved for next time. We also heard there is a beautiful waterfall that we will have to catch. On our way back on Sunday we saw the monument built for the first missionary on the island (i think john williams?). ON saturday night since it was the family ministries last time together they had their own fiafia night and performed their dances one last time, had birthday cake for two little girls, and the boys did fire dancing (an excellent job by the way). At the airport it was hard to say goodbye but I am so excited for where God is taking each family. It was a blessing for Jenn and I to be included with them and it was so restful and much needed.
On the base we have one month left before outreach so we are focusing on fundraising. We will do another fiafia night on Friday with dances and testimonies and maybe one skit. On saturday morning we are doing our second round of Roti (chicken indian style) that is a big hit even though we have to get up at 4 am in the morning (we managed fabulous team work last time!). I am going to try to go the Fijian church on Sunday even though it is all in Fijian, most of the Fijians on base go there and this week they get to lead it. What an experience!!

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -- John 14:27

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Saturday, May 12, 2007


Today the town is busy busy.... probably because with Mothers Day the dinner tomorrow will be huge!
Well our team is off and running and we performed last night for a Youth for Christ rally , dancing one Fijian song. Everyone says we did well- i did one mess up but its all for Gods glory right? Me ? Dancing? Crazyiness... The Samoans here are just so talented musically, I was impressed with the other performances. It finally stopped raining a bit so I got to air out some of my clothes. We had a comment from the Family Ministry team here from New Zealand, they were saying that typically you have good accomidations with on the YWAM base, and then tougher ones while you are on your outreach. For us they feel that the trial is here on the base (with the heat, sometimes no water etc) and when we have our outreach in Hong Kong it will be better conditions. Praise God :) Updates from last post: our water turned back on right away, some miscommunication with the land and water regulators. Also, we have a new used van that is getting ready so we will have two transportations options in the near future.
The staff are beginning to do prayer walks/meetings every evenings to really 'protect' us and the base and I feel so blessed that the leaders are taking initiative to bring everything before God. Next week's speaker is a lady from American Samoa. I am hoping to visit Savai, the next island over, next weekend but have yet to get the okay from our leader. I hear its even more beautiful than here which is hard to imagine. Last night at the performance i was walked around saying 'fia moi' and 'fia aie' which means i am tired and I am hungry. (we didnt get dinner until after- around 10 pm).
We have a big 'fiafia' night tonite, typically done to say goodbyes or celebrations. This is for the New Zealand Family Ministries team that will be leaving on Monday and also as an opportunities to fundraise. We should do about five dance songs. Um, Ill have to let you know how that goes on Wedn!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Wedn May 9

Is that the date? HAPPY MOTHERS DAY a bit early. Im such a jerk and missed my mom's birthday so a big shout out to mom!
So many transitions/changes to talk about for our base .Its actually been a tough week for everyone. Its the third day its rained and remember we live in fales so everything gets damp and we just wait for a sunny day to lay out EVERYTHING. Also, we have lost water and it wont be restored for another two days at least so needless to say everything is being used sparingly and some are getting cranky :) Its been tough financially for the base this month, our van broke down and we had some expenses there. We are stretching for our food money. And for some reason we always run out of toilet paper. I dont know though if thats a financial thing or thats just the concept of buying in bulk that isn't being used. Another leadership change is around the corner with Sio, our base leader, being offered an opportunity to be at YWAM in Australia, he should be here another month.
On good notes our speakers are great again this week and we've been talking about worldviews, some over the islanders heads and also family units. We are also preparing to share our four dances on Saturday (we've already done one dance at the local prison). I shared another sermonette this morning about anger and for some unfortunate reason it was much needed. I just feel everyone is feeling the strain since it is half way through the program and I dont doubt that the devil wants to discourage us. We are making lavalavas to sell for fundraising and they are beautiful. We have such talented and creative artists on base (um myself not included, Im just happy to keep up with the dances).
Last night Atu took my small group out for Ice cream (freedom! Im only allowed out at night for our evangelism night so it was a treat). Instead of ice cream though I was craving root beer so I got two cans :) We then walked along the sea wall and prayed. We also prayed infront of their governement building which has NO security... its so different. I guess Samoa is quite a bit safer. Another thing they don't really understand here is nursing homes . I tried explaining it in class as a cross between and apartment and a hospital but for older people. The culture here just puts so much respect on our elders (we should all learn from this!) so its hard for them to imagine their grandparents not living with them or their uncles.
I will try to get back in on Saturday but since we are performing Im not sure... im never sure really. My new moto is 'ote le loa, I just do what Im told' which means ' I dont know, I just do what Im told". Ha! Praise God. I pray this finds you healthy, peaceful and joyful. Many loves....

Saturday, May 5, 2007


I see the blog isn't working so well! Ha! Sorry about that... Ill have to take a better look on Wedn.
I think the only thing I really talked about in the blog for Tuesday was describing the bus ride in with a woman who brought her chicken with her. Ha! Nothing surprises me anymore.
Ive been sick all this week but Im feeling much better. Stomach pains like crazy. Went to the public doctor on Monday and he prescribed three medicines: So by Tues evening I was getting worse instead of better and feeling nauseous (I only made it to two days of class this week). So Wed morning I told them I needed to go back to the "hospital" (any trip to the doctor is to the hospital). Sio is back now, the base leader, and he made a point to remind me to never hesitate if I need to see the doctor and he told me to go the private one. This doctor told me that the medicines from Monday were being counteractive . So I got the right ones and am now back up. It was really frustrating to miss out not only on class time , but eating time together, small group, outreach preparation, work duty... EVERYTHING!!
Everyone was really supportive while I was sick, especially Atunia, she was worried about me. For some reason the the DTS staff didn't check in with me so I told malachi that was aproblem cause it left me disconnected....The boys especially were worried and now that Im better they are being overprotective and not even letting me take my own plate to the kitchen :) I keep telling them my energy is back but it may take a few days for them to believe it.

So in other news I really feel God is opening up new doors with my relationship with God. Ive been talking with Malachai and Sova, two of my leaders. Its really hearing God through prayer and getting verses for other people. I told Malachi that I feel its so new I dont always know what to do with it, like feeling a burden/or weight to pray for someone or against something. Please be praying God continues to speak and confirm for me.
This week we went to the local prison to do our dances and testimonies to encourage them. Its funny because the inmates get to go home on weekends!! And they allow them to work the land with machetes! Doesn't this seem odd? Because we are on such a small island, and people typically dont have a lot of money, its not like they have anywhere to run. We danced a Fijian 'Meke' and its so much fun! We are learning some new ones now too.

Yesterday we got coconuts ready to make a mixture and sell this morning (Sat) at a nearby village to raise money to go to Hong Kong. We had to climb the tree (okay not me), crack them on this huge stick, take out the milk and the inside, squeeze it, cook it with sugar, corn starch balls (like tapioca) and everyone loves it. We are also starting to make 'lavalavas' (skirts with local designs) to sell for outreach also. Its fun seeing the students and staff pull together as a team. Everyone gets along so well, praise God! Its one of the first really rainy days today, all day long its been raining. Glad my laundry is done and not hanging on the line (I think about those things now).
Some funny Samoan sayings: From Onasai: "I cant eat any more cocoa rice or my stomach running away from me". From Atunia "My mind is broken". From Jenn, the other American- instead of saying "Menua le po" which means good night, she said "Menua le povi" which means good cow! Malachai will wrapping up our praise and worship time "Now before I waste any more of MY time lets pray". Too funny.
I hope to get some actual pictures up soon, Ill keep trying to come up with solutions!

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." -- John 14:27

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